
Classical chess for Two Players and chess for Three Players in one application

★ Now you can play chess threesome! ★

You don't have to wait in big companies anymore, until two players finish playing.

If you think that this is very difficult, it is not.

Rules of chess for three players are almost the same as in classic chess.

In addition, you can play in normal chess - for two players in this application.

In every kind of chess, you can play with friends, against the computer, via network, or combine, for example together with your friend against the computer!

In this app you will find:

* Online gameplay through the own game server

* Sharescreen gameplay on single screen with two or three friends

* Artificial intelligence (AI) opponent (in both versions - for two, and for the first time - for three players)

* Customizing of the game: time, complexity of AI, pieces and board design, etc.

* Achievements and High Scores

* Detailed instructions for beginners

* Statistics, and so on...

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